Customer Reviews
Average Rating: 5
might have been NI Saracen

in my latest delivery from Peter were my NI Saracens. I chose the basically flat topped ambulance version, and ordered then with and without screens. bull bars of course, might want to move an illegally parked Cortina, and no side bins, wouldn't want anything dropped into them on the way to a riot. OK, hands up, as far as I know, Saracens were never deployed in NI with riot screens, only the Humber Pigs .... but would I rather ride in a Pig or a Sarrie .... no question the Sarrie, so I am very grateful for the options Peter has made available. as usual, superb prints, quickly stripped of the supports, then primed and the given a coat of Humbrol 155, my IS company colour. I am still slowly adding the 'clear' perspex panels to the wings, using clear packaging from models, and then a coat of varnish will no doubt give the 'stained' finish I need. essentially, a big THANK YOU to Peter for giving the options for these might have been vehicles, as well as the rest of the 'real' versions. I know which I'd have rather driven down the Shankill road in .. Pig or Saracen.. I leave that up to you. Alan Jenkins (18 Dec 2021, 14:30)

couldn't agree more, Jim. when the Saracen first came out I was very pleased, but Peter has really raised the bar with the new versions, especially as you now have so many options for the different add ons. I had seen photos of Saracens in NI with turrets dis armed, and also with the tops plated, now it seems to me that the ambulance version, with bull bars and no stowage bins, will be just what I need. also love the 'flying' Saracens, I had bodged these before, but these are so much better than my efforts. looks like the next order will be very NI heavy. THANK YOU Peter!Alan Jenkins (20 Nov 2021, 13:25)

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