Customer Reviews
Average Rating: 5
unarmoured WMIKs

my order for a couple of these arrived this week, and I have finally got around to painting them. my main problem was not with the model, but my ability, as I use rattle cans, to paint the interior without covering the surface detail. I did manage, IMHO, to do these justice, and they are now drying, awaiting detail painting with a fine brush of lights, seats etc. mmmmmm wonder what the snatch would look like in resin Alan Jenkins (10 Mar 2022, 15:02)

These are amazing! The detail is great. The moulding is crisp. If more models are released in this resin it would be great! Hooked! I brought two of these and will buy more. Maybe a Ranger Special Operations vehicle could be considered? How about a WMIK with 40mm GMG or minigun? A nice Milan with Mira? Those would all be great additions for the WMIK fleet! Anonymous (3 Feb 2022, 21:25)

I recently received a couple of these. Tthese are resin prints, due to the open nature of even the armoured version, and I received two of the armoured version, unarmoured to be ordered in the future. these are as usual superb prints, and there is none of the layering that appears on some prints, , although that is easy to either get rid of or disguise. these resin prints were already stripped of the supports, and so went straight into the spray bay [no release agent as with cast resin] and they were a pleasure to pain, camo and then add markings to, before issue to my recce unit. the 'kit' comes in three parts, vehicle, .50 and gpmg. considering the far nicer finish of these over the normal filament prints, I was amazed at the low price, and I feel that Peter has once again raised the bar with his offerings.Alan Jenkins (29 Jan 2022, 17:00)
resin WMIKs

my first two of these arrived today, and as funds permit more will definitely follow. these are my first examples of Peter's resin printed vehicles, and they are definitely setting a new standard. I can see why he has chosen resin for these, mine were the armoured version, and I could imagine the work involved in printing the un-armoured version in anything other than resin. having said that, I am amazed that these are available in resin at this price. I have sourced a set of 20mm WMIK figures in white metal to try with these, but if they do not fit, I'll keep these, and further purchases, as uncrewed vehicles pending another source of crew figures. may I add that the resin weapons included in these vehicles totally outshine the previous filament printed versions, and I foresee a massive replacement program of older offerings with the new resin versions.Alan Jenkins (26 Jan 2022, 16:02)
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