
20mm Confidential telephone

20mm Confidential telephone

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5.0 average, based on 1 reviews


Product Information

One sheet of water slide decals for vehicles, confidential telephone numbers in yellow

for 20mm, 1:76 or 1:72 scale models





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Information on applying water slide decals can be found here: How to apply water slide decals
Product Code20Dec034
ManufacturerBPM Decals

Customer Reviews

Average Rating: 5

Confidential telephone number decals

a pile of these also arrived today, and do doubt most of the weekend will be spent applying them to my various Snatch / Hotspur / Glover Webb / Pig / Saracen Saxon and Wendy house MKs. these were also ordered in red, to enable the variations seen in photos. I'm sure these will prove a very popular set[s] for the relevant vehicles.alan (29 Jul 2023, 11:26)
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